To reach any place in North or Eastern Ladakh Area it is essential to reach Leh and take the Road North to Baltistan Areas and Nubra Valley upto the Siachen Base area.

To reach Hanle Region on the East and South East, permit has to be physically verified at the Leh Tourist Reception Centre and then the tourists will be allowed to proceed to further reaches of Eastern Ladakh.

To reach Western Ladakh, You can take the Srinagar Highway from Srinagar through Kargil or from Leh towards Kargil. 

Manali – Leh Highway isn’t Ladakh. We neither promote nor encourage the ride on the highway.

* Leh is at 10500 feet. It is mandatory to rest a day after reaching Leh to acclimatize properly

Day 1: Arrive Leh – Rest Day

It is very important to acclimatize on the first day after reaching Leh, as this city is at a very high altitude (3500m) and the air up here is thin. This day, you will be briefed about the entire ride and subsequently, paper formalities would also be completed. We will go for a walk in the evening around the Market Area.

Fact: Sonam Nurboo Memorial Hospital in Leh helps recover tourists from AMS and Oxygen related issues.


Day 2: Leh to Diskit (120 KMS)

This entire route falls in the Nubra Valley. We will be riding across Khardung La to reach Diskit. We will leave our bags at the Hotel and ride to Hunder for an evening with Bactrian Camels, Sand Dunes and the Shyok River. Sunset at the Maitreya Buddha Statue!

Fact: Nubra Valley’s Original name is Dumra.


Day 3: Diskit to Turtuk [200 KM ]

Today, we ride to Baltistan!

Morning visit to Tyakshi & Pachathang. The Border villages of India and Pakistan. Village walk in Tyakshi and Turtuk! We would be riding back to Diskit via teh Shyok Valley route today. In this stretch, we would be visiting the famous Diskit Gompa.


Day 4: Diskit to Leh Via Khardung La [120 KM ]

We will ride back to Leh through Khardung La.

In the evening, we will explore Shanti Stupa and Leh Palace.


Day 5: Western Ladakh [80-120 KM ]

You can explore various places around Leh. (Sangam, the confluence of Indus and Zanskar Rivers; Gurudwara Pathar Sahib; Magnetic Hill; Alchi Monastery and Dam; Phey Village, Hemis Gompa; Stok village etc.) Mangue ride will be a ride alone, for people who like to visit places no one has treaded. Rest of places are popular tourist attractions

Stay: LEH

Day 6: Eastern Ladakh 

Leh to Merak [170 KM ]

We will be staying at the Merak Village in Pangong Tso where the crowd is thin and the place is calm and serene. Accommodation will be tent based or room based depending upon availability.


Day 7: Merak to Leh [170 KM ]

Chang La one more time. This route is mightier and tougher than Khardung La. We will leave early to ride along the Pangong while it glitters in Morning Sun. By afternoon, we will be in Thiksey. Evening at Leh.

FACT: CHANG LA is slightly higher in altitude than KHARDUNG LA.

Awesome things to do in Ladakh

  • Ride to Mangue. It is a 15km ride up to the monastery. The ride is blissful.
  • Visit the Nimoo-Basgo Dam on the Indus River. Unwinding spiral roads that lead to the huge hydro power site. The dam is always open spewing water in full flow.
  • Ride till Thang, the Northernmost Village accessible to Civilians.
  • Hi-fi ying and Dodging village children in Bogdang. They might stop you in the middle of the road to ask for candies and chocolates. Come prepared and packed!
  • Taking picture with milestone marker that matches your age.
  • Ride to Shanti Stupa in the evening and enjoy the white stupa becoming colourful after sunset.
  • Ride down to Phyang where you can relax on the banks of Indus river.
  • Changspa Road – Live Music and Pashminas at cheap price
  • Try Khambir and Butter Chaa at the Bus Stop.
  • Buying all Winter gear and mountain gears at Army Stores in Market Area.


  • Vehicle/Bike from Leh (STANDARD 500cc Variant) | Extra Cost if Himalayan is preferred.
  • Accommodation at all locations in Backpacker’s Style.
  • Permits
  • Travel Insurance
  • Incredible India Tour Facilitator Specialist
  • WFR
  • Breakfast at Diskit and Pangong Tso.
  • Dinner at Pangong Tso.
  • Minor Bike Fixes, Punctures.


  • Petrol
  • Lunch on all days.
  • Dinner and Breakfast not mentioned above.
  • Flight, Train, Taxi and Bus costs